New Beginnings
/As you may have noticed if you visit our site often, we at the London Dominatrix School have recently gone through a few changes.
Unfortunately the school had to be closed for a few months while a change of venue occurred, however we are delighted to announce that a beautiful new premise has been secured just a stone's throw away from Baker Street station, right in the heart of London's historic Domination Quarter (notable past residents include Theresa Berkley of 'Berkley Horse' fame).
I am also thrilled to introduce myself to you as the new HeadMistress of the school. I have already begun to instruct a few students and am so excited at the opportunity to take part in creating London’s next generation of Dominatrices as well as helping improve the sex lives of Dominant Women and kinky couples from all over. I love sharing knowledge and find the greatest satisfaction in seeing students blossom under my tutelage.
So whether you are a professional Mistress in the making, a Dominant Lady who is seeking to learn more about controlling the man in her life, or a couple seeking new thrills, I can’t wait to meet you and welcome you at the London Dominatrix School.
The Berkley Horse